Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Hii all,
i came across this concept from THE HINDU and couldn't really make out what should be a common man's reaction towards this, thus writing this blog.the concept goes like this: one europian nature lover business man became so concerned about the alarming rate of depletion of forest in the amazon basin (brazil) that he couldn't help thinking of an innovative idea to check it.Though he was crticised as much as he was appreciated in that article, but his idea was quite impressive.He offered, in an online attempt, acres of the forest at a rate which can only be concieved in the sahara desert (factually about $35 or less). Though many things weren't clear like how one gonna own land as it takes a lot of paper & legal work and many more.But if we take that for granted, all we need to do after owning a land is to check deforestation, supposedly by their means and in return get shares from the resources used from your land.It sounds as a fairy tale but the beauty of the concept is to involve all and to see people crying for the nature, really walk their talk or not. It'll also provide encouraging oppurtunities to those feel the heat inside but unable to express themselves.
But the real roadblock to this intersesting project comes when one thinks practical. people especially from brazil are sceptical about the real spirit of it.Inhabitants of basin felt insecured and discarded the idea of protecting of forest by outsiders as it's been always proved everywhere that when it comes to protect the jungle, these sons of the soil are the best men in the business.some rubbishing it similarly as they did to NEW SEVEN WONDERS poll,which was hyped out of proportion by the media, saying this in noway less master marketing plan of the involved party and thus coining the term "GREEN COLONIALISATION".